Mother Nature Dark Roots
Model: Brooke Contovasilis
We live amongst her, she watches over us like children
We get tangled in her her roots as she twirls us around her vines
She brings us sunshine, she waters our crops
She gives us warmth and she gives us life
She cares for many, she thought we could live amongst the innocence of animals
Birds to flutter and sing in her bright days
Crickets and bats that echo in the night
The beauty and colors of nature and sight
She decorates with flowers and trees, she plays with our senses
She is powerful, she is all
She gives so much and asks for only love and respect for the innocence of her creations, her gifts
Yet there are many who abuse her gifts, using hatred and violence
Fill her up with anger and pain causing her to call upon the thunder and hail
For her tears turn to storms, flooding and destroying those who do her harm
Pulling the ground apart as earthquakes and tsunamis rush in to cleanse her heart
Erupting volcanoes, tornados and hurricanes, her sadness and rage will destroy all in her path
She is powerful, she is all
She calls upon karma, she calls upon faith
She gives life to those who have light or else she’ll take it away
Those filled with darkness will be swallowed in her storm
Is your heart filled with love?
Is your life filled with light?
Have you done harm to innocence?
For she has your faith in her hands and karma can be right around the corner
Are you prepared?
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[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”” type=”image” alt=”Dark-Roots-Rage.jpg” ]