Cutlet The Ginger Cat Is So Majestic He Even Has His Own Photographer
Famous Russian photographer Kristina Makeeva who mesmerized the world with her Moscow Orthodox Christmas photography? Turns out she has a cat. Or to be more exact, the cat whose name is Kotleta (en. Cutlet) has a personal photographer. We decided to reach out to Kotleta for a little interview, but the cat probably delegated the task to her human Kristina, as she was the one who answered all of our questions.
“Kotleta has this world conqueror look since he was born, so we also call him “Catriarch”,” Makeeva told Bored Panda. “He is a quite phlegmatic cat, and that helps me in making compositions. At home, he can sit with a cap on his head for 2 minutes. On the street or in other areas he simply doesn’t go anywhere – he sits wherever you put him. Of course, we know how to keep his attention with different tasty things, and what to do that he would look at the right direction. Cat’s psychology is such that they cannot be forced to do something, we only can do a certain sequence of actions so that he thinks that it was all his decisions,” she explained.
Makeeva started working with Photoshop when she was 14, and she began taking pictures 2 years later. “The fact that I started working in Photoshop, and only later started photographing, predetermined my style – whatever I shoot, I always edit it in graphics editor,” she said.
“All my work is an illustration on my inner world, which consist of tons of fairy tales I’ve read,” Makeeva explained. “Simple magic things – these are the subjects that warm my heart, they don’t cost much, they are priceless, and the more of things that make up everyday life, the happier is the person. Camera is a great tool that really teaches us to see the world in a way that one should see it without a camera.”