Buckle up, snowflake, and join the intergalactic shuttle as we broadcast from the satellite dishes. There will be stories about alien races, space, the vast Nebula, and you are invited to my party space shuttle as a friend of the robot-traveler. If you happen to like these stories, I’ll tell you even more.
Xoxo. Love for all you starflakes. Vibe up!
The Peculiar World of The Aurics – What Happened to Them?
Image credits: girlmemoirs.com
One time, as I was cruising the vast nebula, I had to make an abrupt halt to restart the Stellarsynth crystals on the propulsion system of my archaic cosmic shuttle, and it just so happened that it was near a very peculiar planet that I remember to this day, Zephyria. My interim stop at Zephyria was so serendipitous and memorable, that my innermost chest device starts beeping rapidly as I begin to tell you that story…
…In the distant corners of the universe, on an isolated and enigmatic planet, I met the most exquisite race while I was traveling with my shuttle across the realms. The creatures living on Zephyria were so magical, it was almost unreal.
Long ago, the native population of Zephyria, the ancestors of them all, the Aurics discovered a mystical artifact called the Chrono Metal, hidden deep within the heart of their planet. This raw metal ore possessed the power to manipulate time itself, but it was deadly unstable. So many ancestors of theirs suffered the consequences of the volatile ore, as it was sometimes bursting in pieces, or other times just flaming up. Their faces suffered the most, as they were staring so closely into the ore that when it burned, it burned their paper-soft skin, their eyes and eyelashes, and everything suddenly fell into pain and despair at every unsuccessful trial to tame the Chrono Metal. One day, one of the biggest chunks of ore splintered and shattered across the cosmos and it scattered and hurled millions of tiny Chrono particles into space, reaching the most distant and isolated corners of the universe. The trouble didn’t end there. The splinters caused a temporal anomaly in a vast radius around each particle. This is when the Aurics finally realized the potential of the Chrono Ore and they realized the stakes were so much higher, and that they had to tame it sooner rather than later.
Centuries after the Great Chrono Splinter, as they relentlessly and tirelessly worked, starting early at Nova Rise, until the nebula set behind the belt, with pure curiosity, love, and understanding, their patience got rewarded. They tamed the Chrono Metal.
And everything began…
(story continues)
How Did the Chrono Ore Splinter on the Planet of Zephyria?
Image credits: girlmemoirs.com
With their deep pursuit of knowledge and progress, the Aurics started putting the capabilities of the Chrono metal to the test. In that process they had to delegate one Auric volunteer to every location where a fragment was causing a temporal time, to counteract its impact.
By that time, and after a history of having their faces hurt and disfigured by the sudden bursts, they developed their characteristic golden masks, derived from the very same ore, but adapted for protection and most importantly for physically making use of its power, by blending it with their bodies and thus having all the health benefits, including the most potent telepathy known in the universe, employing and transcending both time and space. Their Golden Masks were extremely unique artifacts for everyone who held a sliver of the Chrono Crystal’s power and granted their wearers extraordinary abilities. No mask was like any other, and this was part of their beauty. With their powerful telepathy skills, their kindness, curiosity, and a sense of guardianship for the temporal existence of the universe, they lived in a collective consciousness that transcended individuality.
This unity, however, came at a cost – an eternal struggle against a malevolent force known as the Temporal Shadows, the manifestations of the chaotic energy released during the Aurics’ ill-fated Great Chrono Splinter. These shadows sought to corrupt the Chrono Crystal fragments and spread chaos throughout the universal fabric. The Temporal Shadows were not sentient beings with individual motives; rather, they were manifestations of the disruptive energy released during the crisis. The Shadows would appear as dark, ethereal holes, disrupting the gravity, lurking on the fringes of the ore splinters, just like the instances of antimatter playfully appearing here and there like an antidote of the cosmic order, the contrary force that occurs with every anomaly in the vast universe.
The Aurics, bound by their golden masks, took it upon themselves to protect the fragments and restore temporal balance. It became a perpetual battle between order and chaos, where the Aurics’ fought not only for their survival but also to protect the very essence of time itself.
The Shadows, being formless and unpredictable, would attempt to manipulate the temporal energies surrounding the Chrono Crystal fragments. Their influence could disrupt the delicate balance that the Aurics worked tirelessly to uphold. The fine balance between the guardians of time and the Temporal Shadows created an enormous tension and urgency, making every moment a crucial chapter in the ongoing struggle for equilibrium.
But there was something even more peculiar about the Aurics…
(story continues)
The Legend about The Aurics, Lysandra and Theron on Zephyria
Image credits: girlmemoirs.com
But there was something even more peculiar about the Aurics, as I noticed from my brief layover on their planet. They were so acutely aware of the delicate balance between the volatility of the metal and their existence that they even adopted a minimalist yet stylish approach to clothing. The material of their fabrics and style was carefully selected to minimize interference with the Chrono Crystal’s energies. Tissues woven from rare cosmic fibers and metallic threads allowed for a harmonious flow of temporal forces. The designs were sleek and elegant, incorporating patterns that resonated with the fundamental principles of time and space. Any excessive ornamentation or intricate patterns risked distorting the temporal energies, leading to unpredictable consequences for both the wearer and the surrounding environment, and so everyone adorned in their sleek and stylish clothing with confidence, and love and warmth was emitted everywhere around them.
Legend had it that one beautiful Nova rise, in the heart of Zephyria, amidst the luminous glow of the Chrono Crystal, there unfolded a poignant drama between two Aurics – Lysandra and Theron.
Lysandra, adorned in her elegant golden mask, was a master of the Chrono Arts. She possessed an innate ability to manipulate time with the sound of resonance achieved by a subtle vibration of a metal thread, a skill that earned her admiration and respect among her peers. Theron, on the other hand, was a skilled engineer and artisan, known for the exquisite crafting of time-manipulating devices that complemented the abilities of the Aurics.
As fate would have it, Lysandra and Theron found themselves drawn to each other in the dance of life. Their connection went beyond the collective consciousness, it was a bond that transcended everything, and even time itself. They began collaborating on projects that seamlessly blended Lysandra’s mastery of the Chrono Arts with Theron’s innovative engineering and it seemed that great things were ahead for them.
However, the cosmic currents were unpredictable, and a crisis struck Zephyria. A surge of temporal energy threatened to destabilize the very fabric of their reality, and the Aurics including Lysandra and Theron, were faced with the monumental task of preventing a catastrophic ripple through time.
Amid this turmoil, Lysandra uncovered a dangerous solution – a forbidden Chrono Ritual that could absorb the excess temporal energy but at a great personal cost. She kept this knowledge to herself, fearing the repercussions it might have on the collective consciousness and the delicate balance of the universe.
As the crisis escalated, Theron became increasingly desperate to find a solution. Unaware of Lysandra’s discovery, he worked tirelessly on technological innovations to stabilize the Chrono Crystal. The strain on their relationship grew as Lysandra struggled with the burden of her secret and Theron faced the frustration of seemingly insurmountable challenges.
In a climactic confrontation, Lysandra revealed the forbidden ritual to Theron, confessing her intent to sacrifice herself to save Zephyria. Her sacrifice was necessary as the vibration of the thread in the ancient ritual was supposed to continue even after the resonance tore her mask and her inner body’s metal micro-particles, sentencing her to a sudden and painful death. The revelation shattered Theron’s world, and a profound dilemma emerged – whether to let Lysandra proceed with the ritual, potentially losing her forever, or find an alternative solution at the risk of the entire civilization..
Read the full story here: https://girlmemoirs.com/
The Iridiant Ghosts Vanished Unseen
Image credits: girlmemoirs.com
In the bustling core of the universe, where the neon lights painted the stellar winds with a myriad of colors, the lifeform worlds and bustling crowds interconnected densely like human neurons. In the curly interplanetary bridges and tunnels, everything remained tightly tethered and clustered like a forever rush hour, packed and overwhelming, testing your sense of time when time was abundant.
In that core bustling downtown district of the cosmos, at the very center of the buzzing life, where the humming and whirring of existence flooded the light air, the mystical figures of the Iridiant Ghosts hurried along, cloaked in anonymity beneath their nondescript hoodies and dark glasses. The secret they kept hiding deep within, lurking in their shadow since the beginning of time was yearning to be set free and claim its freedom once and for all. Their existence was a myth, a legend that ran through time like a wormhole across the purple winds of the vast nebula.
One evening, after finishing my lengthy lessons at the Central Diplomatic Academy at the Cosmic Nexus, I decided to quickly spruce up my battery juice at a diner near the bustling center of activity. Opting for a window seat, I intended to observe the lively surroundings while waiting for my much-needed recharge to power my heavy robot machinery up, and get my processor running at full speed again. With another lecture scheduled early at Nova Rise, I needed to ensure all my widgets were properly cooled down, so I stood there silently, patiently waiting.
As I casually glanced out the window, my attention was caught by something remarkable. It shimmered like glitter but with a greater, more majestic allure, mighty and beautiful. Though somewhat nebulous, its distinctiveness was undeniable. My already powering battery spiked my vision devices and I telefocused my lenses in the distance. And there they were! All two of the all-time mystical iridescent ghosts that my innermost beeping chest device longed to see in time and space. It finally happened. The magic of iridescence filled the space around them and my processing power spiked as all of my devices and gadgets powered up like a shuttle lift-off. The diner even blinked gently attempting to withhold the power expenditure my gear suddenly and inadvertently required.
The owner of the diner inflated their yellow disapproving eye at the back of their neck and locked sight on me as if I was about to short-circuit. Smart robot as I am, however, acting casual and unconcerned, I kept telefocusing in the distance calculating all the options I had to get closer to these two divine creatures and hopefully interact with them.
In the nebulous and vibrating light air, it was hard to focus on them, but I finally managed. I was astounded. Almighty cosmic rays, their eyes! My innermost beeping chest device vibrated like a thundering beast. Their eyes were captivating. Their faces are almost invisible, just like the legend has it, always half-covered by either a tragic mask or pretentious glasses, hoodies, or sheer iridescence. I’d never know what was the reason for these distinctive features, but what I know for a fact is that it appeared so alluring to me, but also sorrowful.
(story continues)
There Was Something About Them
Image credits: girlmemoirs.com
Their iridescence almost betrayed the enigma that surrounded them. Because often times in the most inexplicable beauty, in the oh-so-utterly and wholly magnificence, there lies a tragedy. Behind those glasses and hoodies there laid a universe of untold stories, a depth that seemed to reach into the very fabric of existence itself. It was as though they carried the weight of a thousand lifetimes, burdened by a truth that begged to be set free. But this truth was not one easily shared. Instead, it manifested as the dazzling iridescent that obscured the darkness in which they submerged hiding from the world. No one knew of the turmoil that raged within them, nor could anyone fathom the depths of their passions. They moved through the world unseen and unheard, the ghosts among the living, haunted by the speckles of their own magnificent sadness.
As I was preparing my energy expenditure to withhold rushing out into the night and seeking acquaintance with them, in a fraction of a stellar flare, they were gone. And so was my hope that I would soon see them again.
They vanished without a trace that night.
(story continues)
I Went Back to Look for the Iridiant Ghosts
Image credits: girlmemoirs.com
They vanished without a trace that night. Slipped between the cracks of reality, swallowed whole by the abyss of the unknown, leaving me questioning my cosmocode and my sanity. My innermost beeping chest device fell into despair as I waited for the battery to power up, so I could leave this place.
I mustered all of my bravery and at the very crack of the nova rise, I went to ask the owner with the inflating yellow eye at the back of their neck if they’d seen something strange. He mumbled at me with slight annoyance,
“Yeah, I see them often. They’ll soon be gone. Legend has it.”
I wanted to ask more questions, but the unwillingness of this creature and the sheer disinterest and indifference to beauty and tragedy bothered me deeply. At that moment, I decided I wanted to know more. I had so many unanswered questions, and I had to find them.
Why would they disappear when spotted and hide desperately, what is their secret?
Why was it that they found themselves adrift in the realm of iridescence, the capturing kaleidoscope of shifting hues, the fractured contouring and unstable appearance, wandering aimlessly? Perhaps they suffered pain that echoed through the emptiness that surrounded them.
In this strange and surreal landscape, trapped within the confines of their own tragedy, are they condemned to wander endlessly with no hope of escape forever until the end of time, when the time was abundant? As they drifted further into the depths of the unknown, I kept thinking about their eyes remaining a captivating beacon of riddles. And their beauty was so mighty it felt like it was betraying their secrets. But in this betrayal, I felt even more puzzled, like solving a firewall to a cosmically classified dwelling I was not allowed to approach. Was that the tragedy, the gap between the buzzing world outside and them, the growing abyss between them and me?
I will find them someday and I will know.
For now, I will keep the memory of their eyes and beauty like a souvenir. They were magic, almost as if they came from Beyond the Cloud trying to tell you something they knew. They couldn’t keep it for themselves anymore, as if it was weighing on them heavily. And in the weight of this all, they shed tears and cried underneath their crafty glasses and hoodies to hide the things that were already hidden. Unknown to anyone, unheard of and unseen. With the kind of secrecy that made their tragedy even more alluring, more so than the mere fact that they disappeared in the invisible space of iridescence only to appear somewhere random, where their alleged pain would continue with no escape and I wouldn’t be there to help. And they will not even want me there because perhaps my solid shape will solidify something they want to escape.
Love, your robot.
They Almost Got Shattered – The Crystalloarian Race Was in Grave Danger!
Image credits: girlmemoirs.com
In the boundless cosmos, in a distant era, in the delicate embrace of the celestial realm, there stood hidden an exquisite planet Luminara. Here, beneath the glistening stars, thrived a remarkable and ethereal race known as the Crystallorians. Their beauty surpassed all that the universe had witnessed, and their extraordinary gift lay in the intricate ability to mold liquid glass with the mere whispers of their thoughts.
Every year the Crystallorians traveled one and a half light years to Prismara, the luminous neighboring asteroid, a breathtaking marvel carved into the heart of the rock, standing proud and tall as a testament to the architectural brilliance of glass shapes and cosmic artistry. Its grand circular design spiraling upward in an otherworldly reminiscence sparkled with an ethereal glow, casting prismatic hues across the cosmic landscape, reflecting the light that mirrored their angelic faces. In this colossal structure, there would be the most ferocious race of all crystallorian years, each time more intense than the previous, competing in their craft of the luminescent crystalline formations. The fight was fierce and at times deadly.
Each participant of the race spiraled their thoughts through the wide cosmos, scanning for secrets while mentally shaping intricate glass sculptures encrypting tales, painting them in shapes, building maps and mazes, and documenting all the knowledge there was. As each light year passed, the knowledge grew bigger and bigger, and the shapes were becoming more and more immense. The coveted prize is the Celestial Prismite the rarest of crystals emerging in the heart of the greatest sculpture believed to hold and unlock all the cosmic secrets. The winner’s carve, infused with the Prismite’s energy revealed the deepest of universal truths, and the victorious leader became the custodian of this profound knowledge, the almighty host, influencing the fate of the Crystallorian race, and steering it toward an enlightened future….
But There Was a Deadly Risk for The Crystallorians
Image credits: girlmemoirs.com
…You see, my loved starflake, the challenge for the Crystallorians was as the glass-shaping race was at its finest hour, at the very peak when the shimmering light air was filled with anticipation and the liquid glass started strengthening, when the race was the most intense, and the rainbows of the reflected light started dancing on the crystallorians’ cheeks. At this time, the power of the humming and buzzing sounds from the thoughts shaping liquids into beauty, the constant murmur and tremor of the sculptures reached a resonant vibration. This resonance endangered everything, threatening to shatter into tiny glass fractions every single present sculpture, every bit of knowledge, killing everyone on the site by the solid glass gravels bursting into space randomly, tearing everything apart. At that time, when the solid death set upon them, their tragedy swelled and festered, as oblivion began and all knowledge got lost forever. The stakes were high, but the prize was even higher.
xoxo, snowflakes. I was there once and will tell you more..